One young Catholic family on a Journey towards Intentional and Communal Sustainability. One Artist, one full time Mama and two babies, we'll tell you about all our successes, and failures, as we try to make it in our overly Consumeristic society on just the bare necessities.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Why Life is More Important than Blogging

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of very successful blogger friends out there.  But I've decided not to be one of them.  Maybe I'll post a picture or a story here and there for those of you who love me and care, but the truth is THIS:

Nikolas Jack Benedict, born Feb 12th 2013 at home.  Our smallest yet at 9#3oz.

Our family right after NJ was born                           

Sleeping peacefully this morning at 2 months old

is infinitely more important than blogging.

Also, we're moving to North Carolina in a few months to live on a farm and generally abandon the indoor life for awhile.  More on that soon.

1 comment:

  1. Precious. I still love you and yours no matter how much or how little you blog. But I am interested in hearing more on your new venture!!! PS: Nikolas is perfect.
