One young Catholic family on a Journey towards Intentional and Communal Sustainability. One Artist, one full time Mama and two babies, we'll tell you about all our successes, and failures, as we try to make it in our overly Consumeristic society on just the bare necessities.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

St Nicholas' New Shoes

Happy Feast of St. Nicholas!  How were your shoes this morning?

While some people like to fill old stinky shoes with candy or other goodies on this wonderful Feast Day, we have a new family tradition of buying new shoes to honor St. Nick.  Our girls need it, especially Charlotte who is seriously lacking in the snow boot department and there is a foot of snow outside.  And we live in Colorado.  So that's not going to change.

Anyway, this post is just a reminder that this wonderful Saint is real!  Yes, I just said it kids, Santa is Real!  Just not in the way that Macy's portrays him.  And Veggie Tails has it all wrong, by the way.  The suit comes from his Bishop's robes.  How cools is that?

Also, this post is a challenge for you to take old, possibly weird traditions and turn them into something new that works better for your family.  Do you want to wake up the morning of December 6th to stinky chocolate?  Or new cozy slippers? 

If you said Stinky Chocolate you might just need to check your sugar addiction.  Also, wash your shoes.

Enjoy today, folks!  And remember, Thursday, December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation for all you Catholics out there.  It's a sweet one, too!


  1. I was so happy to learn about St. Nicholas yesterday. I told my husband about him (from my email from and he liked the real Saint Nicholas even better than Santa Claus. :) I didn't do anything in the way of the tradition of the shoes though. Next year!

    I do look forward to the Holy Day of Obligation for the Immaculate Conception. Although, I have to admit that I'm wishing on the inside it was going to be an English Mass. I had a very hard time with the Latin Mass on the last Holy Day and the searing pain in my back from kneeling for a much longer period of time made me have a very hard time paying attention. Human frailty at its best.

    I hope Charlotte is feeling better. Hysterical toddlers = not fun!

  2. I"ll take stinky chocolate thank you. Ps there's only 2 inches of snow left ;)
