One young Catholic family on a Journey towards Intentional and Communal Sustainability. One Artist, one full time Mama and two babies, we'll tell you about all our successes, and failures, as we try to make it in our overly Consumeristic society on just the bare necessities.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Comment Problems

Hi all!  Boy, did we have a busy weekend and Monday!  As you might remember, Monday night was my fancy ladies only party that I had to plan for.  I'll be posting on that in a bit. 

I've heard from at least 2 people now that they are having problems commenting on my blog.  I'd say leave a comment if you are too, but that's just silly.  Is there anybody out there in cyber space who CAN comment who knows why some people can but others can't? 


  1. Do you have privacy settings set so that those without profiles or logins cannot comment? Check your comment settings to look for general info. That's my best advice.

  2. everything is set to everybody, no moderation. hmm....
